1. 초아~~
    넘 예쁘고 노래도 넘 짱이세요~
    너무 완벽하지 않아도 되요
    편하게 하는 일 즐기며 이 삶을 누리며 행복하길 기도할게요♡♡♡

  2. The difference between you and many artists is that in the end, if you are an artist, singer and really beautiful voice, I hope we can continue to appreciate your talent and that you are always happy uper all things, it is the first time that I write like this to a person that I do not know in person, nor am I a super fan but I have really seen your career and it shows that you were and always will be talented, dedicated to music

  3. 그걸로 됐어요
    최고가 될 필요도 자격도 필요 없어요.
    그냥 즐겁게 노래 부르면 그걸로 됐어요
    그리고 하고 싶은 말을 노래로 하면 그걸로 됐어요
    내가 하고 싶은 말 기분 느낌
    그걸 인정하고 보여주다 보면 그게 날 사랑하는거

  4. Hey! darling 💗 Choa I don't want to tell you what you already know that your talent to sing surpasses reality but I understand that it's your decision whether you want to sing or not anymore I ask you please don't waste your greatest talent to sing and enchant showing all your joy that come from your heart.

  5. 초아님 커버 노래가 참 좋아요 왠지 저도 커버하려고 주절주절 따라 불러봅니다. 누구도 따라갈수없는 목소리가 감칠맛있고 롤 모델이 초아입니다 그래서 이 커버로 종종 듣고 배우며 할것입니다 자연스러운 고음과 특유의 창법이 뇌리에 박히고 전율이 돋았어요 앨범나오면 바로 맹보해 미진하지만 일조하겠습니다 행복하십시요 내사랑 초아님♡XOXO ily

  6. please sing the thorn song of you sang on loves truck in the city, i really like your voice on that song.

    sorry if there is a word and writing error, my English is bad.

    I'm from Indonesia BTW.

  7. Oink Oink.. I am looking at the Sun Set.. sitting on the Big Rock.. by the Lake.. the breeze of the wind blowing.. Lifting up the Shot Glass.. and I would Open my mouth and slam the Liquor.. just can't believe that I am still missing YOU.. as I am watching the Sun going down.. as I turn to look down.. I see my Heart.. who is sitting on the Little Rock.. next to Me.. and I know this pain.. as my Heart is holding the paper.. the Drawing of Your Heart.. and Just watching My Heart looking.. I can feel the Pain that is moving within My Soul.. YOU know that I am missing YOU.. and as I am holding the Shot Glass in my Hand.. I grab the Bottle that is on the Ground.. and with the Other hand.. pouring into the Shot Glass.. and I place the Bottle On the Ground.. I lift My Head toward the Sky.. I see the Moon.. I am looking UP at this Moon.. just thinking about that Distance.. I can hear crying.. I can hear the weeping.. and I know that It is Not Me.. as I turn my Head to look down.. My Heart.. wrapping around the paper.. the drawing of Your Heart.. I can Hear my Heart.. just crying for YOU.. but why is it Me who be feeling this Kind of Pain.. why do I feel this Pain of missing YOU.. I know for a Long time I have been missing YOU.. and I guess after a time goes By.. YOU can see it.. and YOU can feel it.. and I want to tell My Heart to STOP.. Please stop crying.. YOU are hurting me MORE if YOU keep on letting those tears show.. and I open my Mouth.. and slam the Liquor Into and Place the Shot glass On the ground.. I can feel it as much as YOU DO.. but when YOU let it out and show.. it just hurts me More.. as I grab the Picture.. the Picture of YOU that is on the ground.. and I lift to take a Look at YOU and I would say.. LOOK at what YOU have done.. Not just to Me.. and It turn to LOOK at My Heart and I would say.. to my Heart.. Please stop crying.. YOU are going to make me cry.. why are you want to make me cry.. I can't have this Kind of Pain any more.. as I would stand UP from Sitting on this Big Rock.. I am looking at Your Picture.. and My Heart turns to LOOK up at me and tells Me.. WHY are you looking at the Picture.. If you are telling me about this Pain.. the More YOU LOOK into the picture.. the PAIN is not going to ever go away but will get to ME.. the Heart and I can hear the Heart crying Louder.. and I am wondering.. is it me who will get sick.. or is it My Heart be sicker more.. I am Not sure who is going to be the ONE to be sick because I am Loving YOU just too much.. I want to tell YOU.. shout if I have too.. to tell YOU that I love YOU.. and I turn to LOOK at the waters.. should I run into that water.. maybe being cold and wet will help me NOT TO get sick.. I should just jump into that waters.. let the waves HIT me to wash me away.. left to right.. How about can I swim across to get to YOU.. will that even work.. and I turn and I look down at my Heart.. My Heart only looks at the paper.. the Drawing of Your Heart.. does NOT even pay any attention to what I just said but I do Hear my Heart say.. I heard YOU.. just Go for it.. If you think you can then Just go but.. I can't leave my Heart just sitting Down on this Little Rock.. I know that My Heart just can't swim.. so maybe I should Not go.. My Heart be stay way behind.. that is WHY.. and Now.. I feel like I am stuck.. stuck and feels like I am getting sick too.. so I sit back on the Big Rock.. and I am looking at Your Picture and I would say.. looking at You.. what do you think that I should Do.. since I have NO answer and Have No idea at this Point.. I want to go to see YOU.. I want to be close to YOU.. but sitting here on this Big Rock.. and taking Shots of the Liquor is Not going to take me any where.. or just sitting here and talking to my Heart.. that Heart do Not help me at all.. and My Heart turns to LOOK UP.. and tells Me.. so.. When YOU LOOK at the Picture.. do YOU think that the Picture is able to hear YOU speak.. do YOU think that the Picture is going to answer back to YOU.. if YOU want to go and swim across.. if YOU really want to see YOU.. then GO for It.. but looking at YOU sitting ON the Big Rock.. LOOKING at the Picture and talking to it.. it is going to make the MOON very angry when the MOON takes a LOOK at YOU wondering.. WHO are YOU talking TOO.. and sees that I am talking to the Picture who cannot answer at ALL.. so I would turn my Head and I would look Down at the Heart.. and I stand UP siting on the Big ROCK and I turn to LOOK UP at the MOON.. and I would look at that MOON and say.. YOU think I am very funny.. because too me this IS NOT FUNNY at all.. and I would look at Your Picture and I would say.. IF the MOON can help me.. please be at my Help for once.. I have been trying to let the MOON KNOWS about My Heart.. if YOU can Come here and take a CLOSER look.. I have a Picture.. if YOU can Identify and Help me to get the word Out.. the Word which comes from MY Heart.. can YOU do me a BIG favor.. if YOU can come Down from staying that High and look at the Picture I am holding in my Hands.. and take a Closer LOOK.. do YOU see the One I love.. it is YOU.. can YOU speak on my Behalf and tell to YOU how much I love YOU.. that I am missing YOU Like crazy right Now.. that I want to let YOU know that I came to this Lake.. the same lake I have been coming for a long time.. waiting for the MOON to give attention to Me so that the Word can get OUT TO you.. and I am looking around.. but when I walk a little further.. there are many empty Bottles.. I am wondering.. are these my Bottles that I have left behind which is still here.. I just can't believe it has been that long since I came last time.. but I still see the Bottles when I walk a little further.. I do remember the last time I came.. I wanted to sent a Message in the Bottle.. and maybe this very night I should try again.. to see if the Bottle will go far this time.. and I would turn to LOOK at my Heart.. who is still sitting on the Little Rock.. holding the paper.. the Drawing of Your Heart.. I can Hear the Heart and it is beating.. as the paper is close to the Chest of the Heart.. and I would sit on the big Rock.. grabbing the Shot Glass.. and the Bottle to pour onto the Shot Glass the Hard liquor.. and I would open my Mouth and slam it down.. as I place the Bottle and Now.. the Bottle has become empty and the Shot Glass on the ground.. I turn to the Heart.. asking for a Piece of Paper.. to rip a piece for Me.. I need to write something.. a Note to YOU.. telling you where I am at.. Maybe since I can't swim to go to YOU.. let the Bottle with the Message of this Note get to YOU and YOU may know where to Find Me.. and My Heart gives me the piece of a ripped paper to Me.. so I find a Pen on the Ground and Wrote a Note to YOU stating the where about I am at.. the Name of the Lake.. so that YOU will know.. My Heart turns to LOOK UP at me.. is that ALL I am going to say.. Just the Name of the Lake and that is IT.. and I turn to LOOK down at My Heart and I would say.. what do YOU means.. if I do Not tell YOU where I am at.. How do YOU KNOW where to find Me and My Heart would say.. How about the Pain.. how about the aching.. How about being sick.. How about I am missing YOU.. and How about How much I love YOU and I sit there.. so DO YOU want me to write all that IN this SMALL Note.. I want to say a lot more but when YOU Look at the Piece of paper.. it is so Small that I can only write just the Name of the Lake.. and I just can't believe it.. I turn to the MOON and I told the MOON if it can help me to get the Word Out to YOU.. I am sure if that MOON is able to hear my Out cry for my Heart.. knowing that I am talking to the Picture and Yes.. knowing that I am crazy.. the MOON would say.. I am very crazy and makes NO sense because I am talking to the Picture who just can't hear Me.. and that is WHY I look at My Heart.. asking for the Piece of paper.. only if the Heart gave me a bigger piece.. I am able to express and say a lot More but.. and yes.. I am crazy.. that is WHY I can come this very Far.. Because I am very crazy for YOU.. and I turn to LOOK at the Heart sitting on the Big Rock and I tell the Heart.. YOU are still Crying.. but telling me that I am crazy.. YOU TOO is crazy too.. that is a Piece of paper.. it is a drawing of a Heart.. and YOU are crying for It which the Heart cannot hear YOU crying and weeping for YOU.. and I turn to LOOK up to the MOON.. and I would say to the MOON.. DO you see what happens when YOU and the Heart is just crazy.. makes NO sense but when YOU LOVE.. it starts with making NO sense.. because LOOK at how far YOU are.. look at How far I must realize but that far and the distance which YOU Put in me.. I want to be with YOU.. does It make any sense.. Loving YOU starts with missing YOU.. If you are asking me WHY.. why do I love YOU when I am missing YOU.. because the further YOU are from me.. the More I want to be with YOU.. the More I want to see YOU until I see YOU in my arms.. but I can't stop Now.. if YOU are telling me to stop.. I am not going to stop until I see YOU and have YOU in my arms.. it is because I love YOU.. as I would roll the Piece of Paper I wrote as the Note.. I put into the Bottle which is Empty now.. I would stand UP from sitting on the Big Rock.. but.. looking at the lake seems pretty far of walking.. it must be this Bottle.. this Shot Glass and the Liquor getting to me Now.. I see the blurry vision.. can't tell How far I must walk because it seems now far to walk.. just missing YOU.. my Heart aches.. this Pain in my Heart keeps on aching and breaking me into pieces.. and I just finished this Bottle.. it is Not a small bottle either.. and I can see that it is getting to Me.. and I would back down on the Big ROCK.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. picking up the Picture of YOU.. and I would say looking at the Picture.. why are you hurting Me

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