Japanese Title: ウェンディ

Song/lyrics: mothy(Akuno_P)
Vocaloid: Kagamine Rin

Album: Akutoku no Jajjimento ~a court of greed~ (悪徳のジャッジメント)
Artist: mothy
Year: 2011
Track 5 of 6

Kanji: http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1467204264
English: Thanks to Youtube user LittleMissMimic http://www.youtube.com/user/LittleMissMimic

This song talks about Peter Pan and how Wendy(Kagamine Rin) believes in him. With her belief, she jumps out the window and explore her uttermost fantasies. In the end, she finally realized that Peter Pan wasn’t there and she was all alone. Everybody else was inside her home and she was floating in the sky. Soon, she saw people wearing black waving at her and flowers were on her desk.



  1. 😮 Wow no lie but i was the exact same! I even started having dreams that i could fly to Neverland but then when i would wake up, i would start crying. XD

  2. God… First i injured my childhood with creepy pastas… Then the puberty videos puts it in rehab… Now mothy MURRDERS MY CHILDHOOD!!!!!
    He's still awsome though… Cause he came up with servant of evil…

  3. I'd like to point out that, in the novel, Peter Pan, after their adventures in Neverland, Peter promised to come back every Spring to get Wendy so that they could go on more adventures. However, due to Peter's spectacularly fickle memory, he sometimes forgot to get her, going years and years without remembering to get her.

    So it could be, in this song, that Wendy really has met Peter Pan and was waiting for him to get her, but he didn't come, so she jumped. You can pick which version is sadder.

  4. What if this was Ney Futapies song. I mean she was called mad and she was played by kagaime rin and this song was in the album "court of greed". And idk if the songs ever come out and say or hint at the death of Ney being by Kyle or The daughter of red, but if not then its a distinct possibility this is the death of Ney

  5. To be honest, all those old childhood fairytales are demented in some way. The version we know now has been altered from the original story. If you're questioning Mothy's sanity, and demented stories you might wanna look up some original fairytales and see what is REALLY messed up.

  6. Just remember that the original Peter Pan tale was about guiding the souls of dead children. Disney and other versions came afterwards. Let's thank Mothy for referencing the original Peter Pan.

  7. Oh god… this sounds so happy though…So from what I can tell, the singer in this was always a huge believer in Peter Pan. One day she jumps off a building (suicide?) and flies, way up into the sky. However, as she looks down at the world she sees evidence of her death, like her room being darkened and her parents crying. She then realizes that Peter Pan wasn't real and that she was….well, dead.But, since I am garbage at song interpretations, I am like 99788% wrong.

  8. My theory follows that the Rin of this song is a HER. She's hallucinating about Peter Pan and jumps out of the window, committing suicide, while thinking that the "real" Peter Pan had visited her. As her soul came out from her body, she thinks that she was flying and doesn't notice that she was actually dead. After a while, she flies back to her room, now dark, and sees "red blooming flowers" (perhaps she hurt herself before committing suicide?). Then, she goes to her own funeral, seeing people in black clothes "waving for her", and begs to her parents to not cry as well (since she was dead, obviously they were sad), but she doesn't quite understand it.

    That's pretty much of it.

  9. My theory on this song: Rin is having depression and so she decides to kill herself (When she mentions that she had been carrying a burden on her heart). In the beginning of the song, it seems like maybe she's trying to trick everyone and everyone in her life that she saw Peter Pan so they wouldn't know she really just killed herself. That's why she mentions in the middle of the song that there never was a Peter Pan and that she died alone. Then the flowers in bloom, I feel everyone is mistaking. In Japan, when a student or someone dies, it's tradition to put flowers on their desk, so this signifies that she's dead. The the people in black clothing part and her parents crying are her funeral. When she tells her parents not to cry, you can hear her voice start to trail off into being quiet. This is (in my opinion) that she actually feels bad about killing herself knowing the pain she caused them.

  10. She knows she committed suicide… She kind of admits it. The vase of flowers on a desk is custom in Japan when someone has committed suicide. She admits she was all alone and everyone else was happy. Meaning shewas an outsider. Her happiness is because she's dead. Because that's what she wanted. Sheadmits there was no Peter Pan. So she is low-key admitting her suicide. She even says she wrote a letter. Asuicide note. She wanted to fly… Away. From life. And she did.

  11. I think that instead of HER this girl was suicidal and had fantasies that stray her from reality as well as. She talks about the world being sad (depression) and small, which with the emphasis when she sung mustve meant there was a deeper meaning to it that I just can't comprehend. She also calls herself trash flying too high in the sky (self-deprecation and "high in the sky" must've metaphorically pertained to her fantasies.

  12. I am sometimes suicidal and this is one of the few songs about suicide to disturb me and make me not want to ever think about doing that for a while.

  13. どことなく不気味で童話チックな雰囲気、好き

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