1. Wendy is my favorite character, but for the anime, I think it would've been for the best if they died. You know, just to show that FT isn't only friendship is power and stuff. And so they can stay real, and not everyone would be like 'oh, Natsu is down? Doesn't matter, he'll survive anyway'. You know what I mean?

  2. Wendy was my first crush in anime when I saw the episode back then I almost cried and bust out screaming no and cried even more at the end 😭

  3. really pisses me off how often they pull the bait and switch in fairy tail and act as if a character is dead and then they're not

    they did it with happy too

  4. I cried for my Wendy shisuta imouto-san/my true true main waifu,& my Carla shisuta imouto-san in the Tartaros Arc of my childhood Fairytail Weekly Shonen Magazine Series, when I seen this scene. But I'm glad the both of them survive, and are okay.

  5. I think it would have been more impactful if they did let the guild (and the readers) think she was dead to reveal later that Grandine saved her. Kinda killed the suspense that she was saved a couple of panels later in the same chapter

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