■Title: ジェシカ (Jessica)
■UST: あめだま嬢 (sm18939327)
■Original: Kururingo with Miku Hatsune
■Mix: me (Lamb)
■Art: me (Lamb)
■Vocals: 知恵清子連続音 soft (Kiyoko Chie VCV soft) ft. 知恵清子連続音 (Kiyoko Chie VCV)

So I recorded a 3 pitch soft bank for Kiyoko lmao why do I do this to myself
I also made a PV which is kinda lazy but oh well better than just a picture oop

Kiyoko’s soft bank sings the verses and the bridge while her normal bank sings the chorus’.

I really love this song and I wish there were more oversea covers of it. A lot of Kururingo’s songs have deeper meanings etc in them which I always like.

UTAU guest appearances:
CRABLOID by Sekkeki
Kimine Kiichigo by Echo
Miryoku O by me
Yuuki Yasune by Natalie
Mani Hatsu by Crow


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