1. omg how she maintain her arm be so slim ?!?! she play electro guitar and drums , her hands should be muscular but is not LOL

  2. Damn..You can play Piano, guitar and Drum nicely. The question is, why would you joined a girl band??? What a waste of talent…

  3. E~Young is so great. She can sing, she can dance but also can play some musical instruments. I really like her that's why she is my favorite in After School as well as Kaeun.

  4. It's actually not a difficult song to play. She could have added more fill-ins especially towards the end where the build up is. If this is the extent of her drum skills, I would say she's all right, but not spectacular.

  5. @FordLightning09 Missing the point. I'm just calling as it is – the song is not difficult, she can play it. Draw your own conclusions about the other 6 instruments.

  6. Wow E-Young has shown us that she's really talented. You don't see many idols who can play the drums, or have the ability to play both contemporary and classical instruments. Good going E-Young, FIGHTING 😀

  7. agreed. i like that she's in afterschool but i think it would've been a better choice to have her as a solo artist. there aren't that many idol's who are as multi-talented as her. The only one who I can really think of at the same level is Henry Lau…and I'm not even an Elf.

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