1. 1.sejeong (the healthiest technique here she's consistent to support at B4 with a proper technique, she looks more relaxed and pleasant to hear)
    2.seungyeon (great technique and vocal range but she's strain sometimes)
    3.yeunjung (tbh she has the highest range here but she's always strain and not pleasant to hear she's damage her throat she's still need to learn how to hit the high note with a proper technique)

  2. Sadly this ain't even a competition 1.Sungyeon-got the best range, control, and agility. This video doesn't show it ,but girl can execute clean runs and hit whistle notes.
    2.Yeunjung- has a good range, but is always straining that's why her high notes always sound thin and nasally and no that ain't her natural tone so don't come at me with that excuse.
    3. Sejeong-she ain't really on their level. This video "supposedly" shows her hitting the same high notes as the two other girls, but honestly it doesn't even count because she can't even sustain the notes past D5 for more than a second.

  3. 1. Sejeong. She has the bigger sound because she projects her voice better the other girls. She supports better, and yas, she could resonate her notes.

    2. Yeonjung is really close with sejeong in vocal skill. But, yeonjung has more tension.

    3. Sungyeon is amazing. She can sing any genre. She has good placement. That's why her voice is really clear. But she is straining more than the other two

  4. – Yeonjung is the best at high notes she can hit C6, because she has a good technique for hit high notes if you say she often strain…, it is not strain but it's her high pitch…, if you comparring with a husky voice you will know…,
    – And for seungyeon its great in the middle because she has a great tone for high(not too high) and low(not too low)
    – for Sejeong he has a Great tone for low range because she vocal sound like husky voice so it's really good for low tone

    The third of them has a special and uniqe vocal, from each of they 😍😘

  5. I heard a lot of potential in Sejeong's C5. They are not supported but almost there. Seungyeon and Yeunjung have edge over Sejeong with ease because of their lighter and brighter placement and mix ratio, but Sejeong holds the notes without wavering and more solid tonality even as high as E5. The only apparent strain in Sejeong's voice the F5. Seungyeon and Yeunjung, regardless of having more ease and range, and being more "used" to belting high, have more apparent strain as early as C#5/D5. All of them stops at B4 in "consistent" support, but Sejeong is slightly better since she resonates esp the Bb4 in 0:23. So,
    Sejeong>/= Seungyeon=Yeunjung. They're all basically equals in terms of technique. Props for Seungyon's agility, tho.

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