1. Taem chơi bộ này là định lấy mạng già này mà, bị đấm với cái vòng cổ mà nhìn da ổng bị cạ đỏ hết cả rồi

  2. Тхемин этот твой трек безсмертный да еще с изящной танцевальной композицией твоей в одежде белой очень сексуальной и приметной

  3. When I first saw this outfit I LOVED it, but also noticed that there was something distinctively feminine about it. And like yeah it's a cropped hoodie but male idols have been wearing cropped shirts for a while and it never seems so feminine, but then I realized it's cause he literally has a sports bra on under it, and it looks SO good. I've always love how Taemin can look very androgynous and all the outfits for this song totally nailed it ♡♡♡

  4. This must be my favourite of the Advice stage performances Taemin was able to do before his military service. The performance is so good from all of the dancers, the camera movements don't conceal too much of the dancers' bodies, Taemin really nails the performance towards the camera and it's the best out of all the outfits featured in the music video. S-tier!

  5. Надо устроить танцевальный дуэт Тэмина и Ван Ибо)) Оба так отлично двигаются.
    А именно тут мне нравятся костюмы и парни подтанцовки отлично танцуют.

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