1. I'm so proud to be VIP, no one is going to surpass the level of Bigbang, they are and will always be the ones who carried the weight of kpop on their shoulders.

  2. 성인되면 존⃫나⃫ 덕질할줄알고 대학도 서울로왔는디 오빠들이안나올줄응 몰랐지 그래도 마지막 활동 전에 봐서 좋아쓰
    평생 건강하게 살아쥬

  3. 지용이 이때 과호흡와서 무대뒤에서 쓰러져있다가 참고 다시 노래 불렀을때다ㅠㅠ 과호흡참고 어떻게 저렇게 율동까지 하는건지….대단하다 프로정신ㅠ

  4. Almost a decade and I'm still here replaying all of the songs and videos. Miss them so bad.
    After all of the storm who was broken VIP's heart, but still manifesting they will do a reunion with 4 members, with TOP as the former member, the fantastic FOUR of BIG BANG❤❤❤

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