多国籍9人組ガールズグループ・TWICEのSANAが14日、都内で行われたミシャジャパン記者発表会『TIME REVOLUTION RETINOL Press Preview in JAPAN Featuring TWICE SANA』に出席した。


◆TWICE・サナ、美脚披露のタイトドレスで魅了 圧巻のスタイルでオーラ放つ


◆TWICE・ナヨンが来日! ピンク基調のメイク&ドレスで圧巻のオーラを放つ


#TWICE #SANA #サナ #트와이스 #사나


  1. Literally the second they asked Sana to hold that huge prop I already knew she was gonna find it funny. I mean come on, it's like posing with a piece of furniture lol

  2. サーたんもう世界一可愛いー!!(*>ω<*)♡

  3. I don't understand Japanese but I know the product is good, I tried it and it's great, plus Sana is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, the video was entertaining just by looking at her face

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