★Whatever Noel Liam Fight — more cool songs in description

★Whatever (Oasis) – Coro de Primaria del Colegio Santa Inés – Nov. 16, 2012

To capture the moment of creativity, you need to be present as a participant. This is a video that uses the same structure as Ukiyo-e. I recreated the wonderful movements of my friends in Fukuoka from my childhood and archived them in a video.



★【どうしてこうなった】レアルマドリード 0-4 バルセロナ 2015/2016

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare, the great English playwright and poet who advocated English Renaissance drama, wrote “Romeo and Juliet” this way.
These 3 are juniors of ”King Gnu”‼️ These young Japanese artists are so cool in their natural state, aren’t they⁉️


★The intention of this channel is to recreate and depict “my spiritual hometown (the “loveable people” I’ve met in my 13 moves in life…mainly the men’s appearances, words, movements, unique perspectives, the scenery we saw together, the music we listened to, the books we discussed, the
moments we witnessed, etc.”‼️

★✨『雨燦々』の中で。東京藝大の『うれしげ たのしげ むらしげ(学部1年生3人)』との出会い。何が(世の中的に)奇人・変人やて⁉️💢まともやん‼️外様学科出身のおじさん(芸学は見下してた)にも優しいし。

✨『あ💢⁉️そっす✨あたしがKing Gnu の後輩たい💢紛れもなくたい』→『バリバリ男前じゃないっすか…⁉️雨に打たれてさ』てか外様学科出身のおじさんとしては世の中の芸術家の描き方が『古っちいだけ』



★指原莉乃の右腕 宮脇咲良の左腕の村重杏奈です!

★King Gnu – 雨燦々

★河内おとこ節 中村美律子 Nakamura Mitsuko

ーーーーーAnd here is about myself.ーーーーー

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