1. This makes me miss Xion. Her entire existence was just not fair. As if having no heart isn't bad enough, you were created from the memories of someone thinking about another individual. I really do hope they bring her back as KH: 3D seems to hint at. If anyone does know the official answer to that though, please don't tell me. I'm playing KH: 3D as we speak 🙂

  2. I have finished it but my brain at this moment is wracking to remember how her reappearance was hinted at…unless it was a secret ending. I'm currently going back through on Proud mode (and getting my butt kicked at every corner! Even the first pass through Traverse Town is difficult!) but I'll rewatch the theater mode to help jog my memory.

  3. Ansem said that every being can have a heart. Even Nobodies, who originally form without a heart, can grow one if their emotions are nurtured. Remember in Days how Roxas and Xion started out as "zombies", but by the end they were lively and emotional? Roxas and Axel's friendship fostered the growth of Xion's own unique heart.

    Ansem also said that Sora's power may allow him to bring back the existence of hearts connected to him. So it's likely that Xion AND Roxas will return.

  4. Seeing comments from 9 years ago makes me realize how much I have aged. These scores make me remember my childhood. A friendly child living in a very small village near the sea, spending summers playing on an almost desert beach with his now long lost friends….

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