Jungkook and Jimin live together. Jungkook’s dog ran to meet Jimin, who came to Jungkook’s house. They’re dating!
by: dewunkim
jikook kookmin 2022
jikook new moments
jikook flirting moments
jikook recent moments
jimin and jungkook
jikook run bts
#jikook​​​​ #jimin​​​​ #jungkook​​​​ #bts​​​​ #kookmin​​



  2. but what do Jungkook's tattoos have to do if it's for Jimin or the rest of the members nobody has anything to do with it either Jungkook or the rest of BTS are free to do what they want with their lives people instead of criticizing that don't point me

  3. Оф.профиль KBIZoom (международная платформа о корейских новостях, знаменитостей, к – поп, дорамах) поделился в TWT статьёй о Чимине, и его популярности в США.
    Амер. СМИ назвали Чимина "феномен к – поп", и поставили его на уровень с Адель, и Jay – Z.
    Чимин доказал свою мировую популярность, обойдя Prinke, Джастина Бебера, Бейсоне в рейтинге журнала TIME 2016 "Самый упоминаемый певец в TWT" СМИ Америки говорят: "Есть слово популярный", но есть понятие "Популярность как у Чимина"
    Радиоаккаунты демонстрируют любовь к Чимину "Lie", "Serendipity", "Filtr" проданы тиражом более 500 000 экземпл. И сделало его первым кор. солистом получивший Золотой Сертификат.
    Интерес к деятельности нарастает, Чимин привлекает всё больше внимания в связи с выходом его сольного альбома.
    А альбом будет💯🔥💣

  4. Se eles dois escondem o relacionamento deve com certeza ser por evitar problemas no seu próprio país e até msm com pessoas que se dizem fãs, mas que só tem veneno para destilar para o grupo. Acredito que para eles mais do que coragem existe é muitas pessoas que trabalham para eles, e que tem família e tudo mais que poderiam ser prejudicados se a vida artística deles fossem abaladas. Na China isso ocorreu com Xiao Zhan e Wang Yibo que não podem estar no msm palco juntos fora outras proibições esdrúxulas. Com certeza eles não querem passar por algo semelhante. Muitos artistas esperam ficam mais velhos para poder falar pq sabem que será mais aceitável. Fora que tem o exército para eles cumprirem não será de bom tom lá dentro saberem disso poderia causar sofrimento aos meninos. Ter bom senso e protege los é o menor

  5. Девочки, на Dabeme фанаты Лисы активизировались и смесители Чонгука из тройки лидеров на 4 место. Чимин сейчас на 1 месте, V на 2, Лиса на 3, до конца голосования 8 дней, продолжайте голосовать🙏

  6. AMEI vendo mais um vídeo dos kookmin, sempre felizes e onde há felicidades há muito amor envolvido, ñ consigo imaginar q eles ñ são um casal que se amam ñ só por amizade mas um amor puro e verdadeiro, paixão mesmo q um tem pelo outro ,obrigada pelo vídeo, à cada vídeo q vejo fico ainda mais apaixonada pelos kookmin,

  7. — В эту пятницу, 10 февраля, в 17:00 по мск на YouTube-канале бренда появится специальное видео, посвященное дню Чимина — нового глобального посла Dior, принявшего участие в шоу Кима Джонса Dior Winter 23!

  8. Фильм BTS Yet To Come in Cinemas собрал 18,5 миллионов долларов в мировом прокате и теперь занимает шестое место среди самых кассовых фильмов 2023 года!

  9. Grammys or the lack of one, means nothing. What does mean something is the fact that Grammys got 8.93 million viewers, while Jungkook's 4 hour drunken live got 16.3 million views!! 💜💜 Also no one knows the future and I believe there is a Grammy in their future!

  10. в кроссворде, опубликованном вчера в некоторых крупных газетах США, подсказка была «группа Чимина» для ответа «BTS»! Итак, многие американцы знают Чимина до BTS.

  11. Hola Dewunkim
    De que son pareja no me cabe duda. Tienen muchas interacciones que hacen las parejas enamoradas. Pero si ellos no lo quieren decir hay que respetarlos.
    Los quiero, los amo y los respeto
    I love Jikook-Kookmin-Minkook 💛 💙 🌞 🌙 💜 🙆‍♀️

  12. Если бог есть,то самое прекрасное его творение- это Пак Чимин.Он заслуживает всех наград¡!!!!!!!Поздравляю!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

  13. I agree. Jungkook is an intelligent man. He is very aware of what he does, like the GCF's.He would never openly admit the J and M is for Jimin. I also believe the crown may be for Jimin as well as Army. After all, Jimin and Army are important to JK. They are the loves of his life. It's strange, I expected to see tkkrs editing JK's second live to try and make a vkook video but nothing however I did see the comment of one who claims that Hybe put Jungkook up to it to cover up the tae kook live. Yes of course they did. I mean they didn't scold him for doing the Insta live in the first place but they told him to do another one. This time Jimin had to be a part of it. Seriously! I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't come knocking on their doors to offer them both a million dollar deal to star in some big blockbuster movie. Some are still trying to say that the A is an upside down V. I mean really. JK has told you and now you're calling him a liar yet with the RUN BTS Genius, you all said that JK can't lie. Which is it? I guess someone should tell Samsung, Blackpink, Jimin's father and the Australian Open among others, they're all using an upside V. I guess they can now also stop claiming the clock and the microphone as symbols for V too. Can someone tell me about the mask that JK has tattooed or so I've heard. I thought it may be the mask they wore for their stage performance when they all wore one.

    I actually commented on one video. I wanted to see their response to what I said. I told them that it appeared that V and Jungkook don't have a very good relationship as V doesn't see Bam often and Jungkook fails to tell V when Bam has a vet appointment. I got one response who said they only just been together recently because Jungkook said Bam hadn't grown much since he last saw him. I replied that Bam hadn't grown much since In The Soop when Jungkook took Bam with him. I then went on to say that Jimin was the only one who wasn't surprised how big Bam had got after JK boarded the bus with Bam and how Bam ran to Jimin when he went to JK's room but not V and I even asked why did Jin ask Jimin about Bam playing with him and not Jungkook. I then went onto bombarding them with all these questions about the two In The Soop's. I told them to explain them all to me without using Fan Service and Scripted. I haven't gotten a reply and I don't think I will. I know Even the channel creator couldn't answer any of them, all they did was highlight her response to my initial comment. I must have really stumped them.

    Fact is Jungkook and Jimn are together and Bam proved this though I believe Bam ran to the door because he thought JImin was home. Its what my mother's dog use to do when I told him she was home He'd run to the door, wagging his tail, looking around at me, waiting patiently for her to get out of the car and come inside. Dogs don't lie. They know who their owner or owners are and will always react accordingly. You can't teach a dog that. We should thank Bam. He provides us with the proof that Jikook are indeed a couple. Thank you Bam. You're one beautiful boy! 💛♥💜♥💛 That's my way of saying Jimin loves Jungkook loves Jimin.

  14. Que importa se vivem juntos ou não ,que importa é que eles sejam felizes deixem eles viver em paz do jeito que cada um quiser JK e JM amo muito vcs desejo toda a felicidade do mundo pra vcs dois ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  15. Thank you for your video Dewunkin and say congratulations to Jimin for so much success in everything he does, he deserves it to be a top level entrepreneur and above all a fran t successful worker

  16. Мадам, вы случайно в В Н зарплату не получаете? Мы в отличие от тебя смотрели трансляцию,и когда Чимин что то писал или говорил, Чонгук очень вкусно кушал и смотрел телевизор

  17. Ajá, y la pregunta es, y porque no puso la J en otro dedo?no ha que ser inteligente para darnos cuenta, 2+2 dan 4, JM, solo quiere decir Jimin, ya , no le hechen más cerebro, aceptenlo, , lógico, jk no lo dirá pero lo muestra y deja que los demás lo interpreten, inteligente el Kook, los amo💜🐰🐥🤟💜💜💜💜💜🙏

  18. Успокойтесь сочиняете всякую чушь,противно вас слушать,вы ещё в штаны не посмотрели к ребятам,дайте им самим решать что им делать…

  19. Они утверждают, что был заказ, и Джикуку заплатили. У меня был ответ, позвольте мне развлечь вас, разместив его еще раз:

    Тема: Taekook показала себя в своей трансляции IG!

    Сцена 1: Jikook как фан-сервис

    HYBE: Нам нужно прикрытие! Джимин и Джей Кей, идите сюда, у нас есть инструкции для вас!

    JK и Jimin: Хорошо, сначала деньги!

    (Джей Кей и Джимин последовали сценарию).

    Спустя 100 лет:

    JK и Jimin: Мы сделали свою работу как Jikook, и теперь нас разоблачили. Миссия выполнена! Но нас разрушают военные.

    HYBE: О, простите. Мы защищаем Тэ, а не Тхэкук. Тэ – самый красивый ЧЕЛОВЕК в мире!

    Сцена 2: Джикук, бойцы

    HYBE: Мы не можем ругать JK, он кумир в течение многих лет.

    Участники: Не живите, если вы пьяны.

    JK: Я человек, который не сдается! (Поднимает стакан)

    JK Джимину: Я заказал курицу, приходи и выпей, приходи.

    Джимин: (отказалось от JK) У меня есть работа. Я вернусь домой после работы.

    (Тогда Джей Кей ест один, не подозревая, что Джимин наблюдает за ним.)

    Джимин: все, я все еще жив! Знай, кто я! Ты можешь ненавидеть все, что хочешь, но я завяжу волосы своего ребенка, когда вернусь домой!

    JK: о, Джимин наблюдал за моим мукбангом, и он уже ушел.

    (Я попрощаюсь сейчас и подожду его.)😂

    Так что, будь то фан-сервис или бойцы, да, Jikook выиграл!

    Джимину не нужен фан-сервис. Он просто пожинает плоды своей тяжелой работы и отличного таланта. Помимо его альбома, другие его проекты были предложены другими компаниями – коллаборациями Dior, WKorea и всеми другими журналами, которые используют его, а также названиями и достижениями, которые он получал. Но во всем этом он никогда не хвастался и не хвастался. Он скромный, смелый, красивый человек.

    Между тем, JK заслуживает перерыва от своей 12-летней напряженной работы. Он сиял во время ФИФА, и "Мечтатели" получили потрясающие рейтинги.

    У всех остальных мальчиков есть время, чтобы сиять. Не нужно ненавидеть

    They claim there was an order and Jikook were paid. I had a reply, let me amuse you by posting it again:

    Topic: Taekook exposed themselves in their IG broadcast!

    Scene 1: Jikook as fan service

    HYBE: We need a cover up! Jimin and JK, come here, we have instructions for you!
    JK and Jimin: Ok, money first!
    (JK and Jimin followed the script).

    After 100 years:
    JK and Jimin: We did our job as Jikook, and now we got exposed. Mission accomplished! But we are busted by the military.
    HYBE: Oh, sorry. We protect Tae and not Taekook. Tae is the most handsome MAN in the world!

    Scene 2: Jikook, the Fighters

    HYBE: We can’t scold JK, he is an idol for many years.
    Members: Don’t do live if you are drunk.
    JK: I am a man who does not give up! (Raises his glass)
    JK to Jimin: I ordered chicken, come and drink, come over.
    Jimin: (turned down JK) I have work. I’ll be back (home) after work.
    (Then JK eats alone, unaware that Jimin was watching him.)
    Jimin: everyone, I’m STILL ALIVE! Know who I am! you can hate all you want but I will tie my baby’s hair when I get home!
    JK: oh Jimin was watching my mukbang and he already left.
    (I’ll say bye now and wait for him.)😂

    So whether fan service or fighters, yes Jikook won!

    Jimin does not need fanservice. He is just reaping the fruits of his hardwork and excellent talent. Apart from his album, his other projects were offered by other companies- the collab, Dior, WKorea and all the other magazines tapping him, and the titles and achievements he has been receiving. But in all these, he never bragged or showed off. He is a humble good-spirited, beautiful human being.
    Meanwhile, JK deserves a break from his 12-year hardwork. He shone during the FIFA, and “Dreamers” earned amazing ratings.
    The other boys all have their time to shine. No need to hate.

  20. The reason that Jungkook did clear up – “Army.” He said he wish the font used was not vibrant – so, finally he cleared up A was an A and not an upside dow V. Finally

  21. Here's my two cents:
    1. The "J" could have been placed anywhere. Why would JK have not added the "K" for clarity? Why not put it on his pointer finger that he always uses to make the peace sign with along with his cute pouty lips for photographs? It would be more prominent there. Why is the "JM" always darker than the rest? Why place it on the ring finger where many other famous couples have theirs like Beyonce and Jay-Z, Adam Levine and wife Behati Prinsloo? That just makes it more sus.
    2. The crown represents Jimin. Everyone knows that! It has nothing to do with Army. Jimin had the crown on his ear piece, he is known as the "little prince" in Busan. Jimin's dad has a statue of the little prince to symbolize Jimin outside of his Magnate Cafe. Jimin wore a crown in his photofolio and has crowns on his album.
    Nice try JK but I don't believe you!🤣

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