1. Sunghoon. I want to start with your musicality. What a versatile and priceless voice that you have.The tone and subtle soulfulness in your voice are apparent in every track. We can feel what each song means to you as you use your heartfelt and raw vocal expression to share your messages with your audience. Your voice is so stunningly elegant and delicate at the sound. Only you can swarm your Engene and listeners with this sentimental yet empowering feeling when we listen to your voice. You really were meant to be singing and reaching out to others with your voice that brings people together. As rich as your singing is, you match that with your advanced and professional dancing ability. You attack each choreography with precision and an insistent hunger that beckons you to let loose the dancer inside. You have impeccable awareness of your face at all moments, and it makes it easier for us to believe the words you are speaking with your body. You are able to infuse athleticism into your dancing style; even further discerning it from others’ dance types. Overall, you have become one of the leading artists of this generation. You were brought into the world to be a performer and share your story with the world, as you have already done abundantly at this point. You’ve got so much left to create and invent, and I cannot wait to see how you influence music in the future since you already hold so much power musically. As much as I love your musicality, I love your personality as well. One of the first qualities of yours that I noticed was how you seem to appeal to everybody. I know that this is because of your genuine kindness and how you approach everybody with the utmost of sweetness and respect. Despite the outrageous amount of talent you possess, especially given your age, I feel you are one of the most humble people I’ve known. What I personally think is quite possibly your specialty, however, is your sense of humor. It is your truest gift to bring laughter to others in this world. You just have a knack for making light of any situation you’re in and you can bring anybody relief from any burdens even if only temporarily. Most importantly, when you love, you love with all your heart and I know nobody knows this better than your members. You know them and accept them for who they are, not who you or others want them to be. You don’t even have to say for us to know that one couldn’t name a price you wouldn’t pay or a gap you wouldn’t bridge to do absolutely anything for these boys. I can tell by how you live each day with your head held a little higher than the day before that they serve as motivation for you, and you for them. Particularly now in this age where it can be hard to trust, the members deserve somebody they can put their entire faith into considering that they spend their lives providing for others. Only you know how to protect your members and restore their self-worth because you see what they would call their biggest flaws as their diversifying trademarks. You are Enhypen’s family and though the group is a force of love, I know that the bonds that tie it together are even stronger. What you’ve taught them and the memories they make with you will ultimately be what follows them for their entire lives as well as guide them to meet their destiny. You give them the realest love they could ever ask for and that very love is their future. Thank you for changing their lives for the better forever, and for showing them how to follow their heart by giving them all of yours. I want to personally thank your parents and family for bringing you into the world the way that they have. You work hard to thrill your Engene and allot so much time to make sure we’re happy around the clock, but I know it is really your family who you work so hard to thank. There will be times in your life, as you already know, where you are going to feel down and lost. Even when you’re far from them, which I know is often, your family is watching over you and giving you every last bit of their energy and positivity until you have it again. There is no debacle too troubling for them to help you out of, or eliminate from your life completely. They are always going to love you and support you more and in a way that nobody else can. Even if you think you’ve failed, they find worth in all of your ups and downs because they just want to see you try as long as it makes you happy. Don’t ever think you could disappoint your parents, as you honor them with every step you take. As Engene, we keep them in our hearts as you do. Sunghoon, you have known a certain group of people for just a few years, and yet you have barricaded them with a love far too enriched to ever shatter it. That group of people is known as your Engene; and you are a huge part of the reason we have our name and the reputation that we do. You couldn’t be more easygoing and laid-back around us; making you one of the easiest people for us to talk to. I still can’t fathom that you hold us so dear enough to welcome us into the areas of your life that are deeply personal. It is the greatest feeling and honor being on the receiving end of your love; and I can only hope that we so far have reciprocated it all back to you. We are all aware that there is a lot going on behind the scenes that you do for us and even seeing what we have is unimaginable to us. I just hope you know you can always leave your heart in our hands and we will rely on the kinship we share as Engene to ensure it never gets broken. I know you will always be a part of our family much like how you are for your members and I can’t wait to see the ways in which we build each other up in the future. The love that binds us together will carry us through our entire lives; and I know Engene will never know a love as grand as what you give to us, so we will cherish it eternally. Thank you for decorating our lives with purpose and fufillment, and for teaching us to love others as we should love ourselves. I know you’ve been through a lot both professionally and personally since joining Enhypen. Just getting the chance to debut, I know, couldn’t have been more strenuous or demanding on you. It can take years before people face so much at once but it all came to you at this young age. That is why, on behalf of all of your loved ones and acquaintances, I have to acknowledge just how proud we are of you for making it to this milestone in your life. I know you have an optimally pleasant and spirited disposition which makes helps you find the light in the most darkest of places. As you’ve stated before, I know you also depend on your members a lot and because they’ve been by your side, you weren’t completely alone. You have reminded us that the help we need is already there right around us, and it’s easy for someone to lose sight of this. I hope that nothing takes this mentality away from you because it is a mark of your maturity that you are able to stay composed amidst chaos. I know you will be ready for whatver may come down the line, and just know we will be there with you should you need to call upon us. I hope that this birthday makes all of your dreams come true and that you try all that you desire. If you feel uncertaintly looming and creeping into your mind, look upon yourself through the eyes of your Engene. Of course we always want you to improve, but to us you have no faults; and if you need to be reminded who you are, one look from the perspective of your Engene will instantly make it all clear to you. You deserve to praise and celebrate how far you’ve come when others might have just quit where they stood. I hope you feel our love pouring in from all across the world in different forms. I hope you have the best day and birthday you’ve had yet, and that you make only the best memories you can look back on with the greatest admiration and reflection. I hope that those around you also help you to see how inspiring, monumental, talented, healing, warm, and crucial you have become to all of our lives. You deserve all of the non-stop success and blessings that have come to you, and I know there’s only more that reside in waiting for you. I don’t know when you’ve rested last, but I hope you’re taking great care of yourself and that, if even for a second, you get a chance to relax today. I hope you spend your time leisurely and doing what makes you feel the most alive. Thank you for sacrificing so much time to make Enhypen, and so many other projects possible. Thank you for suffering through any pain, fatigue, exhaustion, doubt, fear, concern, stress, strain, injury, hardship, frustration, and isolation just to bring us the tiniest bit of content. Sunghoon, we could never ask of you even a morsel of the work you’ve put into making us the most provided for fan group ever. It is always going to be our responsibility to repay this back to you, whatever it takes, but like I said before, I don’t known if we every fully can. I wish for you to work until your satisfied with your performance, but not to cause yourself any discomfort or disdain on our behalf. It is a chance occurrence that we get somebody like you to become the voice and leader of our generation. Because of this, I hope you never feel like you have to change who you are to fit a specific standard. I hope nothing urges you to conform because by not doing that, you are opening our eyes to the life we are letting just pass us by. You are perfect inside and out to us, and we wouldn’t love you in any other way than how you present yourself to us. Thank you for all that you do for us and others who don’t even ask for it. We will follow you everywhere and anywhere for all of time and our love is infinite. I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in the futuer. Happy birthday Sunghoon, and we adore you so much!

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