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  1. I saw No. 3, "Well that's unexpected o_O"
    No. 2 "Wait….. Final Breast Nova number 2? Number 1 is not Yamato's Wave Motion Cannon… Right?"
    No. 1 "NAILED IT!!! XD"
    In V, i hate how they hastened Shin Getter's Stoner Sunshine & Infinite Justice's Fatum 01 animation….. Like, it's a race between the animation and the actor's voice…..

  2. Xにてグレンラガンなんか復活したがどうしても天獄みたく20万越えのダメージが出せないな。出せて16~17万だったよ

  3. for my own opinion,I rather play OG than this,becuz why?this graphics are really bad,like bring u back to 1990….and all the gundams,again appear and appear,ya,if u like gundams,very much,but I can tell,gundams can't do a shit to real super robots…it appears that gundams always have stories in Srw,sometimes if u wanna get the expert in the stage,it is almost impossible!like if u don look for walkthrough,u sure gonna miss the expert…or like finish the game before..I don playing ps 2 srw z,at first,it was all sucks robots or gundams,depends on what character u choose,and u know what?im sure everyone knows the Destiny gundams in srw,but before Destiny appear,u are using the impulse gundam,that can chage into three forms,and u know what?all his enemies are insane,for example,they have good mobility and good attacks.and is like total four or five of them,I forgot thier name,but I rmb there are green a sniper,blue and its weapon just like gundam deathscyle,black that can transform into a wolf like a metalgarurumon in digimon season 1,and last the mastermind,the purple colour gundam n the character face covered in a mask.honestly,that purple gundam looks really ugly,but hey..this is srw ,so the master should be good enough,if u know what I mean…alright and the battle comes,I rmb I was at stage around 6or 7I it appears the gundams that I mention appear,and im using and impulse and some normal robots or gundams(i forgot sry)to fight them back.the experts of that stage is like killing all of the enemies in a given first I played,it was imposibble,becuz u know why?im using impulse to fight them(why?becuz they only iam impulse gundam)n even thought I use shin's sp focus,I could still miss them…n I might get hit by them…so why lately are u srw keeps giving us many gundams with lots of stories and make them n event(event means they will send out automatically in the next stage,n caries a very important role,example(this gundam cannot be kill/u must use it to destroy the boss)something like that,n u know what?thier damage are really bad,sometimes it just got block by a beam defender.oh hello,u making us stupid?you give me a gundam(yeah I know gundams really an important role,if not mosr of the gundams,maybe srw won be so popular.BUT at least show those gundams some RESPECT to those gundams,like Amuro using his Nu gundams,It can deal more damage than(getter,or at least equal to kouji kabuto's mazinkaiser.(even mazin can have new robot like ZERO,im very sure everyone playing srw knows ZERO the new robot of kouji kabuto)then why Amuro don have any nee gundams new skill?always remind us that amuro is the oldest first gundam in the world,i know it,(i have one question here,is kouji kabuto mazinger also the oldest robot?if yes,shame on u gundams,robots already developed a new episode new robots with new power,why gundams CANNOT!!always appear the nu gundams the best attacks fin funnel or funny I know,the damage dealt can't even compare to mazin or getter or other good robots in the game,why are u making gundams so noob compare to Super Robot?or do u really thinks that robots are much better than gundams?i hate the most when im playing srw it appears gundam(its okay,gundams should be appea)BUT! long stories n storiesof their own,every single gundam have their ownstories n they make u wanna upgrade the gundams mobility,becuz every gundams enemies have high mobility n good damage n good hit as well,if u don power up ur gundam mobility,u find it almost impossible for u to get expert in that gundam's next event stage.why u srw make the game very very hard for us to get the expert in the game?or u can say play well or relax to enjoy the game,not everytime when we hit a boss using finishing moves and X2exp X2gold with our favourite gundams,they do exactly nothing and can't kill the boss n at last we use super robots to finish the boss,(its easier n u really enjoy beating the boss)

  4. ナデシコのブラックセレナのアーマーパージ後のゲキガンフレア、そしてその後のオイルの涙を流すエステパリスほんとすこ

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