毎週木曜21時 GYAO!にて本編配信中!
▶ https://yahoo.jp/ZpkE4L

Stream live on the official YouTube channel 9:00PM on every Friday(JST)
(*Overseas streaming only)
(*Premier showing only.There will be no archive.)

君の想いが“ツバサ”になる LET ME FLY

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Official Twitter https://twitter.com/produce101jp_
Official Instagram https://www.instagram.com/produce101japan_official/
Official TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSCjA3sr/



  1. こういう曲調は表現するの難しいし、若い人や音楽聴かない人には刺さりにくいから、再生少ないのかな。るいくんめっちゃ素敵。

  2. SHINee is the ideal. You're so far removed from them… To be on a par with them, you need to shed a lot of sweat and blood. Good luck to the newcomers.

  3. 경연곡으로 샤이니 해준거 넘 반갑고 그만큼 샤이니 이름 회자되면서 레전드급 확실히하는거 다 뭐 괜찮고 좋은데…. 일본어 모국어 아니냐? 어째 샤이니 일어나 발음이 더 좋은거 같아… 그거 하난 뭐라할 만 하다

  4. 前回もSHINeeの課題曲あったけどやっぱ難易度高いよな、難しい…梨乃さんの考えた振り付け素敵だな…

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