두부를 찔렀는데👈
꿀이 흘러나와요🍯..

안녕, 자네 최초로💥
팬의 할머니를 만난 온유?!

안녕, 자네가 온유인가?🤝
꿀 보이스 샤이니 온유와 함께합니다💙

#온유 #ONEW #SHINee


  1. I teared up watching this, the way jinki talks to the grandma so sweetly touched my heart! I'm glad jinki was on a show like this, it was just so beautiful to hear the grandma talk about her granddaughter and jinki talking about himself too!

  2. I want to cryyy such as warm heart jinkii!, lee jinki thankyou for comforting us, but don’t forget to comfort yourself first! We love you stay healthy ❤

  3. 7:16 I can't control myself anymore and start crying from this moment to the end of the video.
    I try to hide it, ignore it but it does feel better when I face it myself and even better with him like this.
    Thank HeyNews for this beautiful video! It feels good to cry my heart out sometimes

  4. omgg this is so heartwarming!!!! when they are holding hands and the lady tells him to comfort a lot of people!!!😭😭💙💙💙💙💙

  5. I'm tearing up–oh my goodness, what a sweet concept for a video and our sweet Jinki suits it so well. Jinki really embodies his stage name. His parents must be so proud of him. I hope this sweet grandmother and granddaughter continue to enjoy Jinki's music together.

  6. Our precious jinki who cherish us the most i hope that we can be together through the ups and downs since life can't be always perfect wishing always the best thank you always for doing music 💙✨

  7. I want to give big hug to grandma for being open and appreciative about grand daughter being fan of an idol( actually an artist in real sense). She is bound to feel warm as that idol is no other than Jinki! Love you grandma!

    Boram truly represented a Shawol especially MVP. Thank you darling for all the love,kind words to Onew and the hard work you put in for that gift!May you always be happy now onwards.

    Last but not the least,I really want to give a warm and tight hug to Jinki there!He is precious. His kind words,soft and warm aura and lovely gestures make me feel again that becoming Shawol is one of the best thing happened in my life! Jinki deserves to be loved,appreciated and protected from all not-so good things at all cost!

    May you all stay healthy and be blessed more in life! Hugs for all of you!

  8. 진기야 언젠가의 너를 기억해. 여러분들이 행복하길 바란다는 너를 보며 네가 말하는 행복이라는 그 범주 안에 누구보다 네가 있기를 기도하던 때가 있었어. 콘서트에서 너를 마주하고 너의 노래를 들으며 그 때의 내 기도에 답을 들은 것 같다는 생각이 들었어. 네가 행복해지면 좋겠어. 그럼 나도 많이 행복할거야.

  9. 눈물이 난다ㅠㅠ 진기야 온유야 정말 잘 살아와줘서, 늘 좋은 노래 불러줘서 고마워.
    특히 이번 콘서트를 통해서 많은 위로를 받았어. 보통의 밤을 부르던 너를 생각하면, 또 가사만 생각해도 너무 눈물이 난다ㅠㅜ 우리 앞으로도, 계속 서로를 위하는 존재가 되자. 사랑해❤

  10. Such a wholesome video. I wonder to myself, with para-social relationships and all, how much of that power that's lighting is love and how much of it is actually faith. Just, faith, in an idea, which is – whatever it is – that loves us, and is kind to us.
    In a way, this is the strongest form of love there is. It's our way of believing we are loved and we are worthy of that.
    Jinki intimately shared that as well, as he said, when he read these latters, it was one of the things that reinforced the faith in himself and his way of being in the world, or at least here as entertainer. That's a beautiful two way street – which isn't always delivers, as we are the one's needing to hold the other hand that's reaching out to us.

  11. 서로 위로하며 온기에 온기를 더하는 따뜻한 사람들- 모두가 서로의 존재에 힘입어 흠뻑 행복하길

  12. I cried so hard. I'm happy that Onew knows he deserves our love more and more. And he comforts us all. I wish he live happily every single moment of life. Because he only deserves best

  13. Both Jinki and the grandma are so cute and squeezable, my heart can't take it, this is so sweet and adorable!!!!
    Very heartwarming content!

  14. Que video más bonito, SHINee me ha ayudado a pasar por momentos difíciles, sus canciones me llenan de consuelo y cariño♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  15. I can't imagine a world where Jinki's existence, his voice, would not be a comfort and joy to people. Thank you Boram and Grandma, I wish for happiness to you<33333

  16. I love Onew's album promotions the most. He always does something different from others (from what I can see). Maybe less flashy and more low-key, but always so interesting and heartwarming.

  17. esta interacción es tan hermosa, tranquila y sincera, la señora le acaricio las manos como si fuera su propio nieto :')

  18. I just now finished my skin routine and yet cried! This was so wholesome. Oppa looks very lean though. Looks like he has lost a lot of weight! Which is making me even more 😩

  19. Jinki Never think you dont deserve the Love you are reciving. We Shawols Love and Support you because we know what Kind of Person you are and we believe in you. And because your Songs and voice helps us too. We are Always thankful and we Always Love you. Please keep on being happy and healthy Always❤️

  20. Jinki really is someone who gives us fans comfort❤ It’s impossible to be happy everyday but listening to Jinki’s voice makes me feel better when I’m having a hard time. I’m glad that Boram and her grandma tried to talk to each other and understand about what they feel

  21. He remains our shining light! It’s so gratifying to know that the K-pop idol we love cares about his own well-being as well ours. His music, his voice his whole being is our happiness. 💚💎💎💎💎💎

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