1. 77777.77777.77777.77777allhavenoismsnowy.h.w.h.trueyahwehjahjoestrueyahwehy.h.w.h.🔺🟥🔴⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  2. The JYP intro and military uniform are making me laugh so hard, wish kpop didn’t take itself so seriously nowadays 😂😂😂😂 that’s why I like txt (emo furry group)

  3. seriously everyone…he dances better than PSY, he sings better than PSY, and he is definitely 100% more sexy and handsome than PSY. The one and only original K-POP idol, RAIN.

  4. If you think PSY with his 1 Billion+ views song and dance did better than RAIN, you're seriously delusional. Only a few stars can perform elite dance and singing, like Michael Jackson and Rain, and his one time mentor of course JYP himself.

  5. Rain is the man who was only loved worldwide .. I used to listen to him when i was in grade school up to Highschool..and now i'm here again 😁 listening to my most fav MV

  6. RAIN 🌧 , HE NEVER HAD ME physically I can't stand them I hate him when I get out of here .I'M DONE ŴITH C^ & T NOT COMING BACK HATE IT HERE BE because of the Spanish and Mexican in pale faces man

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