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5세대 신인 K-POP 보이그룹 데뷔 프로젝트
매주 목요일 저녁 8시 50분 (KST)


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5th Generation K-POP Boy Group Debut Project
Every Thursday 8:50 PM (KST)

#케이타 #하루토 #올리 #우무티 #박현빈 #KEITA #HARUTO #OLLIE #WUMUTI #PARKHYUNBEEN #줌 #보이즈플래닛 #boysplanet #Mnet



  1. 안녕하세요 스타크리에이터 여러분 하루토입니다🌟
    비록 제가 이번에는 원하는 파트를 얻진 못했지만 할 수 있는 만큼 최선을 다했습니다!
    안무와 전체적인 구성은 제가 적극적으로 아이디어를 많이 내봤는데 어떠신가요?
    솔직히 아쉬움이 많이 남는 무대지만 그만큼 열심히 했습니다!
    저는 꼭 다음 무대에 서고 싶고 떨어지고 싶지 않은 마음이 큽니다!
    BOYS PLANET이 아니면 데뷔하고 싶지 않아요ㅠㅠ😭😭😭😭😭😭
    진짜로 저의 꿈을 꼭 응원해주세요!💗💗💗

    Hi Star Creators its your boy Haruto!!
    First,I'd like to say thank you to all the star creators who voted for me and made it possible for me to rank 16th. Like 16th. WOW.🫢🫢😮 I seriously did not exprect to get such a high ranking. I don't know if it was on the show but I cried my eyeballs out for 2 hours straight because I was so happy and relieved to be able to continue be on the show, with so many people I respect and love to be with.❤❤😭 The love and support you all have given to be motivated me even more to work harder, and to reciprocate it all back has become a new goal for me. Words cannot express how grateful I am. For real. 🫶
    Anyways, for the second mission I got to perform Queen Jessi's ZOOM! Kind of a bummer I couldn't get the killing part or main rapper, because I knew I could've killed the stage with my overflowing sassiness. And the beat for my rap part was tricky so rap turned out to be really mediocre this time and i was'nt satisfied with my rap that much…ㅠㅠ
    So instead I worked hard on the dance break because I thought that's the part I could at least stand out. Did you guys like it??🤔
    P.S I even considered doing a dip or a death drop and a bunch of other crazy ideas to lead our team to victory but unfortunately it did'nt fit. Bummer. Lol
    To be 100% honest overall I don't think that I did that well this time and I think I was totally outshined by my other members because they did really good. I feel like I could'nt reach the expectations people had for me and that sucks the most. Sorry sproutz ( i like the name alot btw hehe)
    I hate to plead, but I would be so grateful if many people would vote for me and give me another chance to show that I do have what it takes. Thank you!!😇😇😇


  2. the stage presence, the choreo, the facial expressions, the rap, everything was ON POINT.

    Like final lineup needs him ok? Istg the group will be more attractive with Haruto with his ideas his expression and passion pls vote for him
    Also I really cried a lot when I saw that he was on 16th place like omg I was so happy TT he really deserves more

  4. Haruto, you did so well! I enjoyed your performance the most and every time I replay this performance, I'm always waiting for your parts!
    The breakdance was BOMB and, like always, you SLAYYY. I hope you will be in higher ranking tomorrow. All the best!!

  5. haruto did so well 😭😭🫶🫶🫶 AND HE CHOREOGRAPHED THE DANCE????? WOWWWWWW AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! the final lineup deserves a dancer like him for their main dancer. he deserves to debut 🥺🥺

  6. This was amazing 🤩🤩💯. Haruto slayed 💅. From the dancing to the rapping and of course the stage presence, it was the best!! What are u doing if you're not voting for Haruto

  7. Did anyone notice that he waved at the audience after his rap in the time stamp 0:44 just like he did in the love me right performance? Awww gosh so cute, always interacting with the members and audience, that's why he's so fun to watch on stage

  8. チッケムを見るとセンスが爆発してるのがよくわかる!

  9. Me atrevería a decir que Haruto tiene las mejores expresiones entre los participantes.
    Definitivamente no me equivoqué al escogerlo como mi pick desde el primer capítulo.

  10. 毎日投票してます。zoomも毎日見てます!回を重ねる度に魅力に気づいていって今はもう1pickです。番組では陽キャ!って印象だけど、負けて悔しそうな表情を見るとこっちも辛くて、ステージで楽しそうに踊っていると見ていてすごく幸せです。この動画でもファンサしていたり、コメントを見て切実な思いが伝わってデビューして欲しい、もっと晴翔くんが見たいと今までより強く思いました。boysplanetに出演してくれて私の前に現れて幸せをくれてありがとう!!!これからも応援しています❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  11. Haruto, let's debut! If Haruto is still not satisfied with the quality of this performance, Haruto will surely show an even better performance in the future. I want to make Haruto's debut in this audition and see an even better performance.❤❤❤

  12. 하루토 이번 무대도 너무 잘했어!!! 랩도 춤도 진짜 기깔나게 잘해 ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅜ 데뷔하자!!!!🥹🥹🥹

  13. 진짜 아이돌이 되기 위해 태어난 사람 하루토 너무 사랑스러워 못하는게 없어… 꼭 대뷔하자ㅜㅜ

  14. 絶対デビュー済みだ。。

  15. MOM I LOVE HIM. No but seriously, it looks like he's having so much fun and ya'll need to recognize how much TALENT this guy has!! PLUS HE HAS THE BEST SENSE OF HUMOR OUT OF EVERYONE ON THIS SHOW !! HARUTO DEBUTTT

  16. haruto YOU DID MORE THAN AMAZING AND EXCEDED EVERY EXPECTATION, you were truly born to be on stage. your team’s performance was one of my favorite, you made it whole, i will ALWAYS support you, you are my top pick, and i will keep voting for you until the end. remember that you are amazing and incredibly talented, YOU GOT THIS HARUTO!!!!! ❤

  17. I still fell sorry for him🥲 His team couldnt get to mcd even though this team was the best🙃 Its win over knetz pick and global fans can't do anything about it🥲

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