1. translation. sorry if not accurate. 0:10 I am now 0:12 at the clinic. 0:13 spoilers please. 0:14 otherwise I will go home. 0:17 gotta go. 0:19 I'm not going home. 0:21 you have to go home. 0:34 I do it like this. 0:36 that's right. 0:38 I think it's right, here it is. 0:39 the question came up. 0:41 We 0:51 We have a microphone, what are we shooting? 0:54 Oh, you have good eyes 0:58 you can see everything later 1:01 will 1:02 Actually we 1:04 but this. now this 1:07 that's right Oh, if we click to order this 1:14 I think other people see it too 1:23 I am 21 years old. 1:27 I don't have a boyfriend yet. how? 1:29 We are sharing it now. 1:31 Will 1:32 Then about this now. We 1:34 Now we're having a discussion. I'm 21 years old. Why? 1:36 still. Okay 1:40 yet 1:41 Why is 21 years old like this 1:43 It's not yet, it's just the beginning, yet 1:46 what 1:48 how much i want to meet you 1:50 Tell me about it. 1:53 who 1:54 want to meet 1:57 I really want to meet my boyfriend 1:59 Then you shouldn't be here 2:04 The moment you're here, it's over 2:05 just 2:08 just with us 2:11 It's going to be hard for the rest of your life. just. just 2:13 with us 2:15 Keep going 2:16 21 and still don't have a boyfriend 2:19 the reason is this 2:24 But why doesn't it come to me 2:28 again. here and this 2:31 It's not that I don't follow you 2:33 Can we press x 2:37 next question 2:39 I'll look at the next question 3:03 Hey, let's go to this. What's new? 3:05 She said she went to many countries, so she plans another tour 3:08 Is there any additional 3:12 korea 3:12 As soon as the ticket was opened 5:25 Let's do something tough 5:27 Gotta go strong 5:33 ah 5:34 what's the strong 5:35 Wait 5:41 Ah, but that fan-con 5:43 what is the story now 5:45 I'll give you 5:47 Well, everyone seems to want to go. 6:01 This again, just this one time, just something 6:09 16 song fancon, is that true? 6:12 you talked? 6:17 How do you know 6:21 why are you talking
    6:24 I don't have time to talk, why? don't you have a bubble 6:27 yes. no no 6:30 I never said anything like that 6:33 you did it. where i did it 6:42 our staff 6:47 is that true? 6:50 yes it's true 6:54 Sing a lot, then again in 16 songs 6:57 I have a guest. 6:59 Sandy 7:03 who is sandy 7:05 henry friend 7:09 [laugh] 7:14 I'm not 7:25 cancel the ticket 7:26 only 16 songs
    7:29 But since it's a fan-con, it's like a concert 7:32 I did, and there weren't many songs, no, to be honest. 7:35 That's a lot.
    7:36 So it's a bit more than a fan meeting, right? 7:39 but the concert 7:41 But it's almost a concert, actually this 7:43 At the concert, actually, really, but almost actually 7:45 It's close to the concert. It's 3 hours. It's 3 hours. 7:48 I am 7:50 Just doing it now, 3 hours and 10 minutes 7:52 It came out to a certain extent, so now 7:54 i will end the live 7:58 it was fun
    8:05 It was fun everyone. Enjoy your meal 8:07 And dinner, now you have dinner 8:10 You can do it 8:11 9 o'clock 8:17
    Well, anyway, we're a little bit more 8:23 Because there is something left to do 8:25 recently 8:26 I'll go 8:29 now 8:30
    all out 8:36 'Cause now I've seen it go up 8:37 Let's see what fell 8:40 however 8:42 Nearly 10,000 people though 8:45 You came in, but you didn't come in at all. 8:49 Hey, we're doing that concert with people 8:51 here now 8:54 You said it was a drought 8:56 If you come in this much even during the follow response 8:58 It's not a lot, thank you 9:02 ruler 9:03
    Anyway, I'm following you now 9:06 Yeah, I'm just doing it. Oh really 9:09 you're too in 9:12 Now. careful everyone. I
    9:16 Until today, this manana activity 9:20 a little 9:21
    I did it once as a featuring, everyone 9:24 Thanks, you did well, now 9:28 Dne fan-con is out 9:31 Dne fan-con 9.20 Dne
    9:31 dne fan-con 9:32 Delight Party 9:34 please come. very fun 9:37 very new 9:40 will be 9:43 everyone 9:47 let's go now 9:49 get out now 9:52 please get out. really turn it off. please 9:55 off. end.

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