My Favorite song by Taemin is Sayonara Hitori so when I watched this live I felt even more blessed Sorry I could not add it due to copyright. His voice is so beautiful and Under My Skin is a masterpiece! Love you 태민 and all my Taemints thank you again for 1000 subs.
I own nothing but the creative process of making this video, all rights to J-WAVE and their respective owners no copyright infringement intended


  1. Singing live after dancing is not a joke, he lost all his air and now he has to hit these high notes, I am so proud of his talent and hard work… beautiful song and so great and amazing.

  2. I really love how he pauses between his recording playing in the background showing that’s it’s really him singing when he starts singing again and the amazing part is he can actually sound like his recording when he sings!

  3. I love how everyone was noisy for his first performance then was completely hypnotized for the second performace…Like dead silent when he started singing, i loved how he paused in between his singing to prove it was himself really singing!

  4. There's always a new reason to love u ❤. I don't really need a reason, but u give it anyway. Take care always!😍😍😍

  5. God! What is this song!!!! How come this song was never in headlines or timeline or no twitter hype. The song took me into a trance world. I hope this song had have so many wins and awards. who is this guy. Hope he had win alot of awards too for his perfect live skills ❤️💕💕💕💕💕 my new super favt.

  6. 태만이가 언제나 진정 슬픈얼굴로 부르는 노래라 들을때마다 맘이 아픈곡 …. 태민이와 이노래는 사연이 있어보임……..태민이가 노래를 이정도로 멋지게 부르는거 너무 이뿌고 아련함 노래자체가 어짠지 슬프고 아련한듯

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