1. Mi interpretación:
    A mi entender: somos el cuervo, queriendo fruta, más y más fruta, cuando realmente la fruta es insípida, y the raven (el otro cuervo, más grande, pero igual a nosotros) es el poder, la fuerza que nos controla, el sistema. Y queremos más fruta. Y cuando vemos que la fruta es insípida, cuando nos damos cuenta de que nos alimentan con cartón, que no nos llena ni nos satisface, mordemos la mano del cuervo mayor, nos rebelamos, culpamos al sistema de engañarnos.

    Pero al final los despedazados somos nosotros, ya que el cuervo mayor tiene más poder que nosotros, nos ha estado cebando y engordando, y hemos sido complices de nuestra propia desgracia.

    Pero en nosotros reside la fuerza del cambio, de la rebelión. No basta con morder la mano del sistema, hay que despedazarlo, o los despedazados seremos nosotros.

  2. watched for the first time many years ago, never forgotten. I always return to this video. thank you for creating something that will never leave my heart.

  3. I remember finding this when i was in my freshman year 15 im now 30 and this is beautiful you and i look up to see resplendent glory we open our mouths to part take in the ravens fruit but we bite the hand

  4. I know this is an old video, and you might not be responding to comments anymore. But I've watched this a few times a year for like 4 years now and this question always arises. WHAT DOES THE CROW SAY WHEN THE CAMERA ZOOMS OUT AND IT SHOWS THE FULL BODY? Is it like Latin or another language, or is it just gibberish? Thanks for the wonderful animation!

  5. This is genuinely incredible, the world building, the abstract aspect, the fact that every detail in this short film contributes so well to the feelings it portrays (which I couldn’t even begin to understand by the way), it’s just all so well crafted. I saw this video for the first time multiple years ago and I still actively think about it and what part of it insights so much fear into me, and I’m barely starting to understand. Thanks for cursing me 😀

  6. the people ive shown this to (one being a horror fanatic) seem to be eerily put off as if this crosses some invisible line of “too disturbing to find enjoyable,” but I think this is an absolute masterpiece!!

  7. In bereft land, The Raven Flies. birth: “peep! Peep!” We call. You and I look up to see: Resplendent glory, The Raven. We open our mouths to partake of the Raven’s Fruit. The raven. And the raven satisfies: strong flowings, deep currents of Desire. But we bite the hand. The meal is unsubstantial. We punish The Raven, but She knows it not.

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