歌手を目指していたスンヨンがダンスを習うために訪ねたウィーナスダンススクールで運命的な出会いが有りました。丁度振り付けの練習で来ていたイ・ヒョリのマネージャーの目に止まり、スンヨンは現事務所のオーディションの機会を得る事になります。そしてこの曲ステイシー・オリコの「Strong Enough」を歌い一気にオーディション合格しKARAとして今の地位を掴みました。この曲はファンミでも歌われスンヨンにとって忘れられない1曲になっている事でしょう。輝度調整してるので、暗い照明でも表情が少し良くなっているかと思います。
-Stacie orrico-Cover song
~cc Japanese・English Choice type~
The music that is memorable for ‘Han Seung Yeon’ which I sing “Strong Enough”, and passed an audition


  1. I'm Hammie's fan, but I want to say it honestly, her vocal is a bit shaken at here, but I'm happy, she sang this song, in Japanese Ver. at KARASIA Tokyo Dome, after 4 years ^^ OMG, her vocal is melting my heart, and improved a lot ^^ I love Seungyeon <3

    You can watch it at /watch?v=qkWlRO89rbI

  2. スンヨンのソロはどれも素敵だけど、ドームで歌ったこの曲は凄い良かったです。


  3. As I rest against this cold, hard wall
     Will you pass me by?
     Will you criticize me as I sit and cry?
     I had fought so hard and thought that all my battles had been won
     Only to find the war has just begun
    Is He not strong enough?
     Is He not pure enough?
     To break me, pour me out, and start again
     Is He not brave enough?
     To take one chance on me
     Please can I have one chance to start again?
    Will my weakness for an hour
     Make me suffer for a lifetime
     Is there anyway to be made whole again?
     If I'm healed, renewed and find forgiveness
     Find the strength I've never had
     Will my scars ruin all God's plan?
    Is He not strong enough?
     Is He not pure enough?
     To break me, pour me out, and start again
     Is He not brave enough?
     To take one chance on me
     Please can I have one chance to start again?
    He took my life into his hands and it turned it all around
     In my most desperate circumstance
     It's there I've finally found
    That You are strong enough
     That You are pure enough
     To break me, pour me out and start again
     That You are brave enough
     To take one chance on me
     Oh Thank You for my chance to start again

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