1. Undoubtedly the strongest Talented. But he appears to only be able to use the powers of Talented who are still alive. Notice how he didn't take on the forms of any dead people, despite Nana even suggesting he should use Necromancer girl's power. And then there's also the fact he didnt take on Nana's form too to figure out her "talent". So its very likely he can only take on the form of those he's seen use their Talents or those who have Talents at all.
    So I guess it would be in his best interests not to kill other Talented where possible – which is why we haven't seen him make a single move on any of them at all, despite him claiming to be the same type as Nana. He needs/wants to be able to use their Talents at will and killing them himself would rob him of that luxury. But I can assume he doesn't want any competition/threats either. So indeed, he was fine allowing Nana to do her thing all this time for that reason alone. He knows she's no threat to him, and he's not even on her list. There'd be no point. Though I can imagine losing the Teleportation girl's powers, the Time Traveller and a few others' powers was a huge disservice to him.

    But that said, no matter what, his potential is enormous and will continue to stay enormous no matter who shows up on the island. But the fact that he hasn't chosen to do anything at all with that power is the most intriguing thing of all. 5 years on the island in wait and he's just sitting there twiddling his thumbs? Maybe training his own Talent the entire time? But what's his next move really going to be? Its so intriguing to think about.

    Love his character though. An OP character executed very well.

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