LIVE DVD & Blu-ray
『D-LITE D’scover Tour 2013 in Japan ~DLive~』
2013.10.30 on sale in Japan

【2DVD+2CD】-DELUXE EDITION- AVBY-58176~7/B~C ¥8,400(tax in)
【2Blu-ray+2CD】-DELUXE EDITION- AVXY-58172~3/B~C ¥9,450(tax in)
【2DVD】AVBY-58178~9 ¥5,250(tax in)
【2Blu-ray】 AVXY-58174~5 ¥6,300(tax in)

[YGEX OFFICIAL SHOP] http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?keyword=D-LITE
[BIGBANG OFFICIAL HP in JAPAN] http://ygex.jp/bigbang

【D-LITE D’scover Tour 2013 in Japan ~DLive~】が待望の映像作品として10月30日(水)発売!
ツアードキュメント映像60分をコンパイルしたLIVE DVD & Blu-ray。
初回生産限定となる豪華ブックレット付きSPECIAL BOX仕様のDELUXE EDITIONのみ、
名・珍場面集[SPECIAL FEATURES] 、D-LITEのCLOSE-UP映像で編集したバラード3曲
[COLLECTION OF BEST MOMENTS]、そして2013年a-nation での最新シングル「I LOVE YOU」LIVE映像etc.
ファン垂涎の貴重映像60分を収録し、さらには2枚組みLIVE CD全16曲までもパッケージング!!


  1. Daesung looks so fiiiiiine in that white coat~! Add in his awesome voice, heartwarming smile and infectious enthusiasm, I cannot- *drops to the floor and starts foaming at the mouth because Daesung is just too awesome*

  2. I love how the light stick are Bigbang light sticks and not Daesung light sticks like they're still ot5 they will always be one and they promote eachother I LOVE IT

  3. I wish he'd come to New York~ My sister's friend got to see BIGBANG in Jersey a year ago I believe and she got the VIP tickets and everything…she said everyone was really polite except when they started through water bottles and shirts haha.

  4. I still don't get why there several people who dislike this video.kang daesung is so perfect you know.i really3 proud of him.after the all bad things happen because the accident he have in 2011,he still can be success like this.i'm so so so so proud of him.he the best ever.n one more thing,he is perfect.he handsome,has nice body,nice smile and nice voice.i love everything about him.you are my angel kang daesung.saranghae daesung-ah!!!! <33333

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