1. A Quik Jot:…[Dance & Sports]…Topic: [Footwork]….(1) (a) The [Ball of the Foot] & (b) its [Instep]…"Define"…(2) (a) The [Toe] & (b) The [Toe's Relationship] to the [Other Toes] & (c)[Heel]! You'll avoid [Heel Injuries]…Point:… (3) This is [How the Foot]…supports…your [Upper Body Movement]. i.e. [Axilla, [Traps & Deltoid], [Traps & SCM] (Collarbone & Manubrium) & Lats (Origins & Single Point Insertion]! Note: The [Pecs] are part of the [Handle & Collarbone]! Have a great Summer. PS: This is the [Breath of the Foot] & [Upper Body Movement].

  2. For the Record: [Handle = Manubrium]! [Pecs, Traps & SCM]! Got the Relationship, my friends. It leads us to the [Axilla & Foot]. It's called, [Footwork]! Jamieson (Peter) & family. All for [Fun & Work]…[Rest & Play]! i.e. "Golf & Aerobics"! Great Video with Chun!

  3. Crab Crab my friend. Wonderful video. Love the Angels and the outfits they are wearing. Have you seen the mannequin challenge AoA did with this song and these outfits? So good. Thanks for the vid. Made my day a little brighter😎

  4. Great vids man. If they are upscales they are exceptionally done. Always annoyed me that in the original MV they only had these outfits on for about 5 seconds! The best outfits in the vid I think. Thanks

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